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Importing results using the semantic endpoints

Beta feature

This is a beta feature. Meaning it is still prone to changes. We don't expect any breaking changes.

Why use semantic API's

By using the semantic API you don't have to think about the profile ID you're using. The key used will automatically find or create a profile.

This way you can use the branch name in your CI/CD to import to a specific profile.

Curl examples

Using form parameters

curl -X POST \
     -H "Content-Type:multipart/form-data" \
     -H "x-api-key:<API_KEY>" \
     -F "formatter=junit" \
     -F "file[]=@path/to/test-result" \
     -F "company_key=my-company" \
     -F "group_key=unit-tests" \
     -F "profile_key=development" \

Parameterized key values

company_key, group_key and profile_key are parameterized values, meaning they can only contain the following characters: lowercase a-z, 0-9, - and _.

Unknown group-key or profile-key will create a new one

If the profile_key or group_key cannot be found, we will automatically create a new profile or group and then import your results there.

Using url parameters

curl -X POST \
     -H "Content-Type:multipart/form-data" \
     -H "x-api-key:<API_KEY>" \
     -F "file[]=@path/to/testresult" \


In GitLab you would end up with something like this:

  stage: test
    - mkdir output
    - bundle exec rspec -f d -f RspecJunitFormatter --out /output/rspec.xml --require rails_helper
    - >
      curl -X POST \
          -H "Content-Type:multipart/form-data" \
          -H "x-api-key:<API_KEY>" \
          -F "formatter=junit" \
          -F "file[]=@output/rspec.xml" \
          -F "company_key=spritecloud-1" \
          -F "group_key=${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}_environment" \
          -F "profile_key=unit_tests" \

This will automatically create a new group per branch that the unit tests are running in.