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Import messages

Below you will find a list of documented messages you could get while importing your results. We try our best to point you in the right direction for a solution, but don't hesitate to contact us if you need help.


An error means that something fatal happened, causing the system not to complete the task you wanted it to perform.

A report watch matched with multiple formatters

Error code: multiple_formatter_match

Problem: We try to support as many formatters as possible, but while doing so, it is possible that some formatters are so much alike, that the file will match for both of them.

Solution: In the unlikely situation that this happens, contact us and we will do our best to fix the issue a soon as possible.

Failed to match with any known formatter

Error code: zero_files_matched_formatters

Problem The file(s) you have uploaded was not found to be any of our known formatters. This could have multiple reasons:

  • Unknown format: The format of the file(s) you have uploaded is not known to us.
  • Invalid file: Your file(s) invalid.
  • Should work: We are not reading the file correctly.


  • Unknown format: See if your tool also supports exporting to a different format, like NUnit and JUnit are widely supported formats. Else Contact us and we will look into adding it.
  • Invalid file: Double check if there are no mistakes in the file and that it's according to the standards. Else feel free to open the chat and reach out to us.
  • Should work: It is quite possible that your file contains a certain edge case that causes our system to fail, even though everything is according to the standards. In this case it will be very useful for us if you could share the file with us. This way we can solve is issue quicker.

Invalid formatter given

Error code: invalid_formatter

Problem: You gave a formatter in the API call that is not recognised as a valid one. Possibly you have made a typo, or you're giving a formatter key we don't support.

Solution: Make sure you are using a supported formatter key. See formatter endpoints.

Missing required file[] parameter

Error code: missing_file_and_body & import_missing_file

Problem: We can't find a file to import in your API call. We expect either a file[] parameter with the file or the raw file in the body of the POST request.

Solution: Check out the curl examples on how to build up your API call. Make sure your API call has the file[] parameter properly set.

Unsupported media type

Error code: import_content_type_error & import_missing_media_type

Problem: We expect you to send your data as a multipart form, meaning that it contains multiple types of content, including files. If you don't set this content-type, there is a chance that the sent data is read incorrectly. We also support different media types if the API call is sent as body. See Curl example as body

Solution: Check your API call and make sure that the content-type is set to multipart/form-data. Curl example:

-H "Content-Type:multipart/form-data"

Unexpected error while generating your import

Error code: import_generating_error

Problem: Before we start processing your files, we create a so called Import. This stores your complete request, from files to parameters and any other possible settings. When setting this, an unexpected error occurred.

Solution: This error should not occur, but since you're reading this, it did. Please contact us with the following information:

  • The API call you made
  • The files and attachments you used
  • The message the API call returned
  • The timestamp given in the error message

Unable to validate your import request

Error code: import_validation_error

Problem: Before and after processing your import request we validate it, when you get this message, something went wrong in the validation process.

Solution: If the error message itself does not help you pinpoint the issue, please contact us with the following information:

  • The API call you made
  • The files and attachments you used
  • The message the API call returned

Unable to validate your report

Error code: report_validation_error

Problem: While processing your given file(s) there was a problem with them.

Solution: Most likely your file contains an edge case situation that we're handling incorrectly. Please contact us with the following information:

  • URL to the report page (if possible)
  • The API call you made
  • The files and attachments you used
  • The message the API call returned

Unsupported content type as body

Error code: import_content_type_error

Problem: There are 2 potentials problems:

  1. Your API call contained data directly in the body.
  2. The content-type of your API call is not supported by any of our formatters.

Solution: If the error message itself does not help you pinpoint the issue, please contact us with the following information:

  1. If possible, send your API call as form-data, see this answer.
  2. When sending your data in the body of a call is the only option, then make sure that you have set Content-Type to the corresponding content type. See import through body.

Empty report after importing

Error code: empty_import_after_processing

Problem: After processing all of your files, no errors occurred, but we ended up with an empty report. We assume an empty report is not expected, so consider this a critical error.

Solution 1: If an empty report should be considered no problem, then set the ignore_empty_import parameter to true.

Solution 2: Have a look at Empty report after importing to see per file what you can do.

No files found after unzipping

Error code: zero_files_after_unzipping

Problem: No files have been found after unzipping your selected .zip file. Something went wrong with creating the zip file, or you uploaded the wrong zip file.

Solution: Check if the files are being zipped correctly.


Warnings are problems that might not have broken anything immediate, but could be causing unnoticed issues right now or other problems in the future.

Attachment not found

Error code: failed_to_attach_asset

Problem: In your report file we have found a reference to an attachment. Often a screenshot. These references can be a path to a file, like /path/to/screenshots/folder/my_screenshot.png. We searched in the attached files for something that matches (part of) this path.

Solution: Make sure to attach any asset that is generated during your test to the API call. See attachments for more information how to add them.

Copied file(s) to the attachment parameter

Error code: files_moved_to_attachments

Problem: One or more of the files in the file[] parameter did not match with any of our known formatters. It is possible you have uploaded your whole project or all project related files as file[] parameter, so anything that doesn't match will be moved to the attachment[] parameter. This way it can be referred to from the results. See attachments.

Solution 1: Any file that is not a report file should be added to the attachment[] parameter.

Solution 2: Add suppress_files_moved=true to your API call. This will lower the severity from warning to notice. Curl example:

-F "suppress_files_moved=true"

Your file was found to be an invalid mime type

Error code: invalid_file_mime_type

Problem: We weren't able to detect the correct mime type for one or more of your files.

Solution 1: Check the file you have uploaded if there is anything it might be missing to be found the correct mime type. For example, with .xml files, the first line should be something like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

Solution 2: Add the correct file extension to your file. So if it's a JSON file, make sure the filename ends with .json.

Solution 3: Add ignore_invalid_file_type=true to your API call. This will hide the warning. Curl example:

-F "ignore_invalid_file_type=true"

Report file was read from the body instead of form parameter

Error code: parameter_file_empty

Problem 1: You have given the data file in the body of the API call. For example by using --data @yourFile or -d @yourfile. This will work, but is not recommended because all file metadata is lost.

Solution 1: Change the following in your API call:

--data "@path/to/yourFile.xml"


-F "file[]=@path/to/yourFile.xml"

See Curl examples for more details.

Problem 2: You have not put a file in the body or the file[] parameter. Causing the system to grab your file from the body.

Solution 2: In this case your file will most likely not be processed successfully. Double check your API call if it's using the correct settings and values.

Invalid content type

Error code: invalid_content_type

Problem: We expect you to send your data as a multipart form, meaning that it contains multiple types of content, including files. If you don't set this content-type, there is a chance that the sent data is read incorrectly.

Solution: Check your API call and make sure that the content-type is set to multipart/form-data. Curl example:

-H "Content-Type:multipart/form-data"

Unused parameters in your API call

Problem: Your API call contained parameters that we did not expect. Maybe you made a typo, or maybe the system you use automatically adds extra parameters. In any case, this message is to make sure you're aware.

Solution 1 (recommended): Remove the parameters shown in the warning message from your API call.

Solution 2: Add the parameter ignore_unused_parameters=true parameter to your API call. Curl example:

-F "ignore_unused_parameters=true"

Given parameter was not an array

Error code: parameter_not_array_type

Problem: In your API call you have given a parameter (shown in your warning message) that was not an array type. This means that if you are trying to pass more than 1 element with the parameter, it will fail.

Solution: In the Api import documentation you can read how to send multiple files with your API call. By using file[] with []. This [] create a list of the parameter you're using, allowing multiple values to be added to it.

Duplicate field titles

Error code: duplicate_field_titles

Problem: In your result file you have 2 or more containers that have the same name. In the warning message itself you can see exactly which fields these are. When there are duplicate fields, the history comparison functionality cannot work.

Solution: Get rid of the duplications in your result files. Either by renaming steps/tests/scenario's or by combining the ones with the same name into one container.

Unspecified formatter in API call

Error code: specify_formatter

Problem: You did not specify the formatter in your API call, meaning you used the profile/{id}/import endpoint instead of the profile/{id}/import/{formatter} endpoint. This could cause unstable behaviour, like being recognised as a different formatter or longer processing times.

Solution 1: Update your API call to include the target formatter. Curl example:

curl -X POST -H "x-api-key:<API_KEY>" -F "file[]=@path/to/testresult"


curl -X POST -H "x-api-key:<API_KEY>" -F "file[]=@path/to/testresult"

Replace <formatter> with the formatter you expect.

Solution 2: Add ignore_unspecified_formatter=true to your API call. This will suppress the warning.

-F "ignore_unspecified_formatter=true"

Deprecated report/import endpoint

Error code: report_endpoint_deprecated

Problem: You are using an old API endpoint for doing imports. The endpoint used to be /profile/{profileId}/report/import and is updated to /profile/{profileId}/import.

Solution: Update your API url from:

curl -X POST 
    -H "x-api-key:<API_KEY>" 
    -F "file[]=@path/to/testresult"


curl -X POST 
    -H "x-api-key:<API_KEY>" 
    -F "file[]=@path/to/testresult"

Deprecated os, platform or build parameter

Error code: tag_params_deprecated

Problem: You're using a deprecated method of adding tags to your report: ?os=MyOs&platform=MyPlatform&build=MyBuild

Solution: Use the new (dynamic) method to add tags: ?tag[]=os:MyOs&tags[]=platform:MyPlatform&tags[]=build:MyBuild

Invalid request method

Error code: invalid_request_method

Problem: Your API call request method was something else than POST.

Solution: Update your API call to be a POST request

    -X GET 
    -H "x-api-key:<API_KEY>" -F "file[]=@path/to/testresult"


    -X POST 
    -H "x-api-key:<API_KEY>" -F "file[]=@path/to/testresult"

Exceeded maximum number of files

Error code: max_files_limit

Problem: You have attached a large number of files to your import API call. Either directly, or inside a zip file. When no formatter is set, this number has a limit.

Solution 1 (recommended): Reduce the number of files in the files[] parameter by moving none-result data to the attachments[] parameter. See attachments.

Solution 2: Add the ignore_max_files_limit to remove this warning. Note: This limit might be enforced in the future.

Import file resulted in empty report

Error code: import_file_resulted_in_empty_report

Problem: You have uploaded a file that is detected as a correct format, but when processed as so, it resulted in an empty report.

Solution 1: Issue in your system. Possibly there was a mistake when generating the original report and it was not suppose to be empty. In this case, check your own system for solutions.

Solution 2: Issue in our system. The file you have uploaded was not the format Calliope detected it to be. 2 things should be done:

    1. Contact Calliope support and make us aware of this problem.
    1. In your API call, use an explicit formatter as API endpoint like /import/cucumber, instead of the general /import endpoint.

Solution 3: No issue. The empty files are expected due to how your report solution works. In this case add the containers and results manually and tweak them to your liking.


A notice should not affect the result in any way, but it's to inform you about something noteworthy.

A plural parameter was made singular

Error code: parameter_plural_made_singular

Info: The systems makes use of singular parameters, like file, attachment and formatter, but you have user a plural form of one of these parameters. This is okay, but all references to your given parameters will be done in singular form.

Solution: Update your API call to use a singular form of the parameter.

One or more of your containers are combined with each other

Error code: containers_combined

Info: There is an API attribute merge_containers which can be set to true manually, or for some formatters, is set to true by default. You can find more about what merge_containers does here.

A report has a date which is more than a day ago

Error code: report_contains_old_date

Info: This is a notice to let users know the report they uploaded has an older date. Calliope works best if you automatically upload the report to us directly after running the test. If you're uploading old reports to test out our feature, then this notice will disappear when you start using us live.

Solution: There is an API attribute ignore_old_report_date which can be set to true manually. You can find more about what ignore_old_report_date does here.

Ignored files in folder starting with ._ and __

Error code: mac_os_hidden_files

Info: This is a notice to let users know the ZIP file they uploaded contains hidden files starting with ._ and __. These files are always present in ZIP files from MacOS. These files do absolutely nothing for the report. These files are ignored because they can duplicate the results.

Solution: You can use YemuZip. or free alternatives to create the ZIP files on MacOS to exlcude the hidden files.

Another option is to exclude the hidden files in the command line:

zip -r . -x ".*" -x "__MACOSX"