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Import options

The import endpoints has multiple options to give which can affect the way your reports are being processed.

Default API variable values

curl \
    -X POST \
    -H "x-api-key:<API_KEY>" \
    -F "file[]=@path/to/testresult" \
    -F "tag[]=TagName" \
    -F "date=now" \
    -F "smart=true" \
    -F "process_async=true" \
    -F "merge_containers=false" \
    -F "suppress_files_moved=false" \
    -F "suppress_notifications=false" \
    -F "ignore_unspecified_formatter=false" \
    -F "ignore_empty_report=false" \
    -F "ignore_empty_import=false" \
    -F "ignore_max_files_limit=false" \
    -F "ignore_old_report_date=false" \

Metadata options

None of the metadata options have any effect on your results. It's all intended to be able to give some extra background information to your report.


Set a date to the report. date is separate from created at and updated at. Date represents the time when the test was executed.

  • type: String
    • now will set the the date to the moment the report is saved on our servers.
    • DateTime string ((see conversion method)[])
  • default: Null / Automatic date detection

Automatic date detection means we will try to detect the date from the uploaded report files. For example a JUnit report containing a timestamp="2022-02-002T12:30:45" attribute inside the <testsuite> element.


Add a list of tags to your report.

  • type: Array with String
  • default: Null

Add multiple tags by setting multiple tag[] values:

curl \
    -X POST \
    -H "x-api-key:<API_KEY>" \
    -F "file[]=@path/to/testresult" \
    -F "tag[]=Ubuntu" \
    -F "tag[]=Ubuntu:20" \
    -F "tag[]=Build:1.145" \
    -F "tag[]=env:test" \
    -F "tag[]=Galaxy S10" \

Formatter endpoints

It is recommended to add the formatter to the endpoint to obtain the best interpreted results. More information about the recommended formatters here.

os, platform, build [DEPRECATED]

Deprecated: This feature has been replaced by tags. Instead of os=linux we recommend using tag[]=os:linux.

Adds a tag to the report with the content of the parameter.

  • type: String
  • default: Null

Functional options


  • type: Boolean
  • default: true

Some formatters have a so called smart-option. Go to the formatter documentation to find out what this means for you.

In general, when smart is enabled, the system will try to make the structure of your output prettier by grouping it or sorting it.

For example, the JSON of Fink Link checker is one long list of results for every page that was visited. With smart enabled, we will group the tests by URL. So:



    • /products
      • /product1 results
      • /product2
        • Results
        • /details results


  • type: Boolean
  • default: true

Temporarily fallback option to allow a-sync API responses: More information.


  • type: Boolean
  • default: false (true for some formatters)

Some formatters have merge_containers on true by default. Go to the formatter documentation to find out if this is the case for you.

When enabled, this option will trigger a post-processing function that will merge any containers with the same title , classification & description. The means that the following:

  • Some Feature
    • Scenario Outline 1
      • Secnario 1
    • Scenario Outline 2
  • Some Feature
    • Scenario Outline 1
      • Secnario 2


  • Some Feature
    • Scenario Outline 1
      • Secnario 1
      • Secnario 2
    • Scenario Outline 2

This functionality can be very useful when you run your test Asynchronous and generate multiple result files in your pipeline.


This will also merge results together. Multiple result with the same name, will be uniquefied by adding (1), (2) after the title.

Suppression options


  • type: Boolean
  • default: false

When multiple files are uploaded using the file[] parameter, and some of those files are attachments, a files moved warning will be generated. Setting suppress_files_moved to true will suppress and hide this warning.


  • type: Boolean
  • default: false

After processing your import, we will automatically trigger the event to inform users that are following the profile you're uploading to. Setting suppress_notifications to true will stop this event from triggering.


  • type: Boolean
  • default: false

When the /profile/{profileId}/import endpoint is used, without specifying a formatter, it will generate a unspecified formatter warning.


  • type: Boolean
  • default: false

When one or multiple files are uploaded empty, this can generate an import_file_resulted_in_empty_report. Setting this option to true will suppress this warning.


  • type: Boolean
  • default: false

If, after importing all your files, there are no results, this is considered a critical error. To ignore this you can set ignore_empty_import to true and the import will be considered a success, even though it's empty.


  • type: Boolean
  • default: false

If your (unzipped) import contains more than 50 files, we will give a warning about this costing a lot of processing time. When possible, we ask you to move any non-report files from files[] to attachments[]. With ignore_max_files_limit set to true the warning will be ignored.


  • type: Boolean
  • default: false

This is a notice to inform you that the report you uploaded has a date which is more than a day ago. It is not an issue, but it is just a notice that helps you understand why the date of the report might be different than you would expect. With ignore_old_report_date set to true the notice will be ignored.