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Cucumber BDD

Cucumber is available for most mainstream programming languages. We recommend choosing an implementation for the same platform or programming language as the production code.

Learn by example

Check out our example Cucumber repository.


For cucumber there are many output formats, we support two of them:

We recommend using the default Cucumber JSON format because it has the least data loss. The XML format, for example, does not support embedding screenshots to your formatter.


The coolest thing about cucumber is that it is available for so many different programming languages. Look up yours here and get started:

Generating a result file


Look at the header Custom formatters, and use the command cucumber --format json using json as the formatter.

By only running it in a specific format, you're not there yet. You need to actually put it into a file. Best is to use cucumber --format json --out result.json for that.

Importing your result to calliope

At this point, you have a file to upload. You can either upload it manually or set up an API call to our API endpoint.