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WebdriverIO is a Next-gen browser and mobile automation test framework for Node.js. You can find more information about WebdriverIO here.

Learn by example

Check out our example WebdriverIO repository.


There are many report formats available as output for WebdriverIO tests. These can be found on the docs.

Calliope Pro supports the CucumberJS JSON reporter. We highly recommend using the CucumberJS JSON formatter when using Cucumber as the framework. For other frameworks Calliope Pro supports the JSON Reporter.


Follow the steps on Getting Started page


During the installer select the correct framework and reporter to save some work after installation.

Generating a result file

  1. Make sure the reporters are installed. For Cucumber, the CucumberJS JSON reporter; and for other Frameworks, the JSON Reporter.
  2. Make sure the reporters are added to the wdio.conf.js file. (Some examples below)
  3. Run the tests with npx wdio run

CucumberJS JSON

For the CucumberJS JSON reporter, add the following to the reporters in your wdio.conf.js file:

 reporters: ['cucumberjs-json', {
    jsonFolder: '.tmp/new/',
    language: 'en',

JSON Reporter

For the JSON reporter, add the following to the reporters in your wdio.conf.js file:

 reporters: ['json',{
    outputDir: './Results',
    outputFileFormat: function(opts) {
        return `results-${opts.cid}.${opts.capabilities}.json`

Importing your result to calliope

At this point, you have a file to upload. You can either upload it manually or set up an API call to our API endpoint.